8-10 years back, there used to be a WordPress theme for everything. ThemeForest was the real deal, and they used to have a directory and recruitment, job board, and classified themes worth 100 MB or more! Now, there are at least 6 different WordPress job board plugins in the market, and most offer a free version.
I have struggled with different ERP and recruitment plugins till today. But now, some friends have developed Crew HRM – WordPress based recruitment solution. They have focused a lot on usability and user experience. I have also been actively involved in brainstorming, testing, and planning.

This is how their dashboard looks. You can see all the live job posts, statistics about the recruitment scenario, and upcoming interview schedules on one page.
You can download the plugin from their website, which will be available on WordPress.org soon!
If you want to test the beta versions, please feel free to comment below.
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