How to update a forked repo on Github and Bitbucket


How to update a forked repo on Bitbucket

Bitbucket just needs one single click to update from the base repository. When you will go to the forked repo, you will see a notification like below

Sync Option on bitbucket


You just need to click on Sync noand you are done. It’s that much easy.

How to update a forked repo on Github

I am still a noob if you take me as a developer. However, I believe that most of the developers will agree with me that is less user-friendly compared to bitbucket. You already have seen the banner on top of your forked repo that “This branch is n commits behind”

You already have seen the banner on top of your forked repo that “This branch is n commits behind”


Github update a forked repo


Here are the steps to solve that-

  1. Click on New pull request
  2. The next page will tell you that “There isn’t anything to compare”. Don’t worry!Github nothing to compare
  3. Click on switching the base and see the magic ?Github creating pull request to update forked repo
  4. Click Create pull request. A form will be shown to write some details. You can write my name there ?
    Seriously! But for gentlemen, it is right to write sync, update etc to appear decent ?
  5. Click on Create pull request and scroll to the bottom of the page.Github Merge Pull Request
  6. If there is no conflict, you will see a button named Merge pull request. Click on the button and you’re done.

Pat yourself on the back ?


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