How to install WP CLI in OSX El Capitan


I recently got a MacBook Pro from my office. If you have read any of my blog posts before, you already know that I make my living from WordPress.

So this morning I thought I would install WP-CLI to save some time and “take some vaab” in front of my other colleagues ?. Here Are the steps I have followed-

  1. Google wpcli
  2. go to their site
  3. follow the commands
  4. till the chmod part, it was fine, but when I put the mv command, it was not allowing me to do so. So after battling with the folders and terminal, I decided to google once again.
    Someone at StackOverflow said that ​because of system integrity settings, you are not allowed to place things in /usr/local/bin/. So I had to restart the system and press command + r to enter the recovery mode.

    Open terminal from the explorer menu and type csrutil disable
    Then type reboot
    Now login to your system and open terminal and run the move command again and everything should work fine this time.

I know this is quite a vague instruction. But I guess as you own a MacBook now, you’re quite intelligent and this is enough for you ?

If you have any confusion or want me to be more courteous and refine this post in a decent way, feel free to comment below.

If you just say thanks, I won’t mind ?


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